
“Domestic Business Group”经常缩写成DBG,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于商业领域 ,和公司和企业相关。


Domestic Business Group : 国内企业集团

Domestic Business Group具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:DBG
  2. 英语全称: Domestic Business Group
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:国内企业集团
  7. 中文拼音:guó nèi qǐ yè jí tuán
  8. 常用领域:商业
  9. 相关:公司和企业


  1. There is a current local scale of domestic with the business enterprise group biggest.
  2. 三和企业集团是目前国内规模最大,实力最雄厚的管桩生产商之一。
  3. On the basis of domestic and foreign management theories as well as the practices of Chinese business group, this paper makes a thoroughgoing study of some key issues on building finance control system for business group.
  4. 本论文结合中外企业管理理论与中国企业集团的实践,对企业集团财务控制体系构建的核心问题进行了深入细致的研究。
  5. The centralized management model of group funds should be to meet the development of domestic and international economic situation and the needs of the development of their own business group.
  6. 集团资金集中管理模式要符合国内外经济形势的发展和集团自身业务发展的需要。
  7. However, most of domestic studies on business transformation have been focusing on the reorientation of state-owned large business group and listed enterprises in the economic transition context and only a few works can be found on SMEs in China.
  8. 国内的转型研究大多集中在经济转轨背景下的国有大型企业集团、上市企业的业务调整等方面,而对中小企业关注较少。
  9. Many domestic studies have the discussion on the different choices of accounting methods in the process of business combination. This paper has discussed the case of the Zhuye Group listed after its combination and made the conclusions from the results of domestic and overseas related studies.
  10. 国内大量的研究针对企业合并的会计方法选择问题进行了探讨。


英文缩写词 DBG 的含义,不止“Domestic Business Group”一个。




  1. Dyersburg Corporation 缩写成 “DBG”. 中文意思是:戴尔斯堡公司


  1. Desert Botanical Garden 缩写成 “DBG”. 中文意思是:沙漠植物园
  2. Disease Biophysics Group 缩写成 “DBG”. 中文意思是:疾病生物物理学组


  1. Data Bus Group 缩写成 “DBG”. 中文意思是:数据总线组
  2. DataBase Generation 缩写成 “DBG”. 中文意思是:数据库生成


  1. Designers Buying Group 缩写成 “DBG”. 中文意思是:设计师采购组
  2. Double Balance GMT 缩写成 “DBG”. 中文意思是:双倍余额格林尼治标准时间


  1. Microsoft C/C++ Symbolic DeBuGging information file 缩写成 “DBG”. 中文意思是:微软C/C++符号调试信息文件
  2. Watcom debuger) 缩写成 “DBG”. 中文意思是:Watcom 调试器)

