
“Aerospace and Defense”经常缩写成A&D,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于机构领域 ,和军事相关。


Aerospace and Defense : 航空航天与国防

Aerospace and Defense具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:A&D
  2. 英语全称: Aerospace and Defense
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:航空航天与国防
  7. 中文拼音:háng kōng háng tiān yǔ guó fáng
  8. 常用领域:机构
  9. 相关:军事


  1. Other important industries in Sichuan include aerospace and defense ( military ) industries.
  2. 其他重要工业还包括航空航天和国防(军事)工业。
  3. Back in the early and mid-1980's many of our customers were in the Aerospace and Defense(A&D) sector.
  4. 回到80年代早期和中期,我们的许多客户处于航天和国防部门。
  5. Firstmark Aerospace designs, manufactures, and repairs precision electronic, electromagnetic, and mechanical components and systems for the Aerospace and Defense(A&D) industry.
  6. 设计、生产精密电子、电磁和机械装置和系统,用于航空和国防工业。
  7. Bio-pharmaceutical, aerospace and defense is the focus of British industrial research and development, but also the UK's most innovative and competitive industry.
  8. 生物制药、航空和国防是英国工业研发的重点,也是英国最具创新力和竞争力的行业。
  9. These are predictable developments for industries such as aerospace and defense, which we typically associate with highly complex products that require systems engineering techniques to create.
  10. 这些嵌入式软件对于象航空和国防这样的行业是可预知的开发,我们通常将这些行业与高度复杂的要求系统工程技术来创建的产品关联起来。


英文缩写词 A&D 的含义,不止“Aerospace and Defense”一个。




  1. Alcohol and Drugs 缩写成 “A&D”. 中文意思是:酒精和毒品


  1. Aerospace and Defence 缩写成 “A&D”. 中文意思是:航空航天与国防
  2. Admission and Disposition (report) 缩写成 “A&D”. 中文意思是:录取和处置(报告)

