
“Aerospace and Defence”经常缩写成A&D,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于机构领域 ,和军事相关。


Aerospace and Defence : 航空航天与国防

Aerospace and Defence具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:A&D
  2. 英语全称: Aerospace and Defence
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:航空航天与国防
  7. 中文拼音:háng kōng háng tiān yǔ guó fáng
  8. 常用领域:机构
  9. 相关:军事


  1. As well as energy, aerospace and defence, sectors defined as strategic include mining, space technology and nuclear energy.
  2. 除能源、航空和国防领域外,战略行业还包括矿业、空间技术和核能。
  3. Some industry specialists believe Rockwell Collins – which provides the aerospace and defence industry with communication and electronic devices – is also a likely target for United Technologies.
  4. 一些工业专员认为联合科技可能的收购目标是伪航天和国防工业制造电子和通讯设备的洛克威尔科林斯。
  5. Titanium is prized for its strength, lightness and resistance to corrosion, but producing high-quality titanium – used primarily by the aerospace and defence industries – is a technologically complex process that few companies have mastered.
  6. 钛因其强度、轻度和抗腐蚀性能而到人们重视。但生产高品质钛主要用于航空和国防工业是一个复杂的技术过程,没有几家公司能够掌握。
  7. One of the most pressing questions Mr East will face when he takes the helm is whether Rolls-Royce should reverse this strategy and instead focus on its core aerospace and defence business.
  8. 伊斯特掌舵后将要面对的最紧迫问题之一是,罗尔斯罗伊斯是不是应该逆转这项战略,转而聚焦于其核心的航空航天和军工业务?
  9. This system shows the developing direction for aerospace manufacture engineering which is paid attention to and followed by the main aerospace and national defence industry manufacturing enterprises in the world.
  10. 该系统体现了航空航天制造工程的发展方向,受到世界主要航空航天和国防工业制造企业的普遍关注和效仿。


英文缩写词 A&D 的含义,不止“Aerospace and Defence”一个。




  1. Alcohol and Drugs 缩写成 “A&D”. 中文意思是:酒精和毒品


  1. Aerospace and Defense 缩写成 “A&D”. 中文意思是:航空航天与国防
  2. Admission and Disposition (report) 缩写成 “A&D”. 中文意思是:录取和处置(报告)

