
“Cut Rate”经常缩写成CTRT,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于商业领域 ,和会计相关。


Cut Rate : 剪切速率

Cut Rate具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:CTRT
  2. 英语全称: Cut Rate
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:剪切速率
  7. 中文拼音:jiǎn qiē sù lǜ
  8. 常用领域:商业
  9. 相关:会计


  1. " Make yourself available for a learning opportunity, at a cut rate to the employer," says Lauren Milligan, founder of consulting firm ResuMAYDAY.
  2. 寻找一次实习。如果你对职业过渡感兴趣,那么实习能让你从一个不同行业的一家公司学习。
  3. Through regression, we found runoff energy cut rate present logarithm relevant to rainfall energy.
  4. 经回归分析,径流能量削减率与降雨动能的关系呈对数相关。
  5. With eroded rainfall energy increasing the cut rate of vegetation for erosion gradually weak.
  6. 随着侵蚀性暴雨动能的增加,植被对径流能量的削减率逐渐减弱。
  7. This technique has been used in nearly 100 wells in Daqing Field, the successful rate is more than 96 %, the average daily incremental oil per well is more than 9t and the water cut rate decreases by 4 % - 8 %.
  8. 该技术在大庆油田应用上百口井,工艺成功率达96%,平均单井日增油9t以上。含水率下降4~8个百分点。
  9. The influence of diamond grit size on the performance of diamond saw blade, mainly including cut rate, service life, power consumption, was discussed on the basis of relationship between diamond grit size of saw blade and chip thickness in sawing.
  10. 根据锯切过程中锯片的金刚石粒度与切屑厚度之关系论述金刚石粒度对锯片性能的影响,主要包括锯切率、使用寿命、功率消耗。


英文缩写词 CTRT 的含义,不止“Cut Rate”一个。




  1. Camel Toe Race Team 缩写成 “CTRT”. 中文意思是:骆驼脚趾比赛队


  1. Chemotherapy-Thoracic RadioTherapy 缩写成 “CTRT”. 中文意思是:胸部化疗
  2. Cancer Treatment And Research Trust 缩写成 “CTRT”. 中文意思是:癌症治疗与研究信托
  3. Cancer Treatment Research Trust 缩写成 “CTRT”. 中文意思是:癌症治疗研究信托


  1. Curriculum Technology Resource Teacher 缩写成 “CTRT”. 中文意思是:课程技术资源教师
  2. Race Track configuration 缩写成 “CTRT”. 中文意思是:赛道配置
  3. Certified Tattoo Removal Technician 缩写成 “CTRT”. 中文意思是:认证纹身去除技师


  1. Churches Theological Research Trust 缩写成 “CTRT”. 中文意思是:教会神学研究信托


  1. Child Teacher Relationship Training 缩写成 “CTRT”. 中文意思是:幼儿教师关系培训

