
“Advertising & Promotion”经常缩写成A&P,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于商业领域 ,和广告相关。


Advertising & Promotion : 广告与促销

Advertising & Promotion具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:A&P
  2. 英语全称: Advertising & Promotion
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:广告与促销
  7. 中文拼音:guǎng gào yǔ cù xiāo
  8. 常用领域:商业
  9. 相关:广告


  1. A computer game cmpany's offer to pay the speeding fines of all British drivers as part of an advertising promotion for a new motor racing game has been branded irresponsible and dangerous by the government.
  2. 一家电脑游戏公司允诺为英国所有的驾车者承担超速罚金,以此为一种新的赛车游戏进行广告宣传,英国政府认为该公司此举既不负责任又危险。
  3. The products include gifts, advertising promotion products, flash series, stereo printing series, China series, and crystal images etc.
  4. 公司产品主要包括:光栅、光栅动画系列,立体印刷系列,瓷器、水晶影像等系列。
  5. As long as ads highlight the cultural connotation and cultural value of commodities, the advertising promotion can win the consumers ' recognition and grasp their psychological needs in the fierce market competition.
  6. 只有在广告中突出商品的文化内涵和文化附加值,提高广告的文化品位,才能在激烈的市场竞争中赢得消费者的认同,把握各种目标消费者的心理需要。
  7. This also shows that, as an important means of cross-cultural exchange, in advertising promotion, it is necessary to take cultural elements of target market into consideration. As with the more homogeneous products, technological competition among goods has gradually shifted to cultural competition.
  8. 这也表明,作为一个重要的跨文化交流手段,在广告推广中,广告商必须顾及目标市场不同的文化因素。因为随着商品的同质化,商品的技术竞争已经转向文化竞争。
  9. Therefore, the last chapter mainly analyze the tourism advertising promotion of those two regions and puts forward some useful lessons Hainan can draw from.
  10. 因此文章最后通过对这两个地区的旅游广告推广发展分析,得出一些值得海南旅游借鉴的经验。


英文缩写词 A&P 的含义,不止“Advertising & Promotion”一个。




  1. Anterior and Posterior 缩写成 “A&P”. 中文意思是:前部和后部


  1. The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company 缩写成 “A&P”. 中文意思是:大西洋太平洋茶叶公司


  1. Atlantic and Pacific 缩写成 “A&P”. 中文意思是:大西洋和太平洋


  1. Analysis and Prediction 缩写成 “A&P”. 中文意思是:分析与预测


  1. Attitude and Pointing 缩写成 “A&P”. 中文意思是:态度和指向
  2. Administrative and Personnel 缩写成 “A&P”. 中文意思是:管理与人事


  1. Air frame and Power plant 缩写成 “A&P”. 中文意思是:空气框架和发电厂

