
“Explosion Welding”经常缩写成EXW,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于商业领域 ,和产品相关。


Explosion Welding : 爆炸焊接

Explosion Welding具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:EXW
  2. 英语全称: Explosion Welding
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:爆炸焊接
  7. 中文拼音:bào zhà hàn jiē
  8. 常用领域:商业
  9. 相关:产品


  1. The experimental research on explosion welding through symmetric collision was conducted and new app - ( lications ) proposed.
  2. 介绍了对称碰撞爆炸焊接(EXW)的实验方法,总结了它的实际应用。
  3. Explosion welding ( EXW ) is one of the joining methods consisting of a solid state welding process in which controlled explosive detonation on the surface of a metal.
  4. 爆炸焊接(EXW)是一种通过在金属表面施加可控的爆炸能量以实现金属连接的固态焊接方法。
  5. The blast speed of the explosive charges is an important process parameter for the explosion welding.
  6. 炸药的爆轰速度是爆炸焊接(EXW)的一个重要的工艺参数。
  7. The intensification is relative to technical parameters of explosion welding and base material ′ own intensification trend.
  8. 这种强化的程度与爆炸焊接(EXW)工艺参数和基材本身的强化趋势有关;
  9. The effect of the explosion speed is discussed and the significance of research and control on these factors for stabilizing the process of the explosion welding and acquiring high quality explosive compounds is pointed out.
  10. 讨论了爆轰速度的影响因素,指出了研究和控制这些因素对于稳定爆炸焊接(EXW)过程和获得高质量的爆炸复合材料有重要的意义。


英文缩写词 EXW 的含义,不止“Explosion Welding”一个。




  1. Ex Works 缩写成 “EXW”. 中文意思是:工厂交货
  2. Ex-Wife 缩写成 “EXW”. 中文意思是:前妻
  3. Excluding Wat 缩写成 “EXW”. 中文意思是:排除笏


  1. EX=Words 缩写成 “EXW”. 中文意思是:EX=单词

