
“Opportunity To Earn”经常缩写成OTE,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于商业领域 ,和常用相关。


Opportunity To Earn : 赚钱的机会

Opportunity To Earn具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:OTE
  2. 英语全称: Opportunity To Earn
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:赚钱的机会
  7. 中文拼音:zhuàn qián de jī huì
  8. 常用领域:商业
  9. 相关:常用


  1. This is a great opportunity to earn fame and fortune!
  2. 这是获得名誉与财富的最好机会!
  3. Employees also have the opportunity to earn bonuses.
  4. 除了工资,员工还有机会获得奖金。
  5. This all ceased as soon as the opportunity to earn free air travel was offered through the credit industry.
  6. 但自从信用行业会提供挣得免费飞机旅行的机会之后,这马上就终止了。
  7. But at this moment, he is kicked out of his former band and loses a great opportunity to earn big money.
  8. 但就在这时,他被踢出了原来的乐队,因此失去了一次大赚一笔的机会。
  9. In order to reduce the number of hostile elements and to consolidate the liberated areas, we should help all those landlords who have difficulty in making a living and induce runaway landlords to return and give them an opportunity to earn a living.
  10. 对一切生活困难的地主给以帮助,对逃亡地主招引其回来,给以生活出路,借以减少敌对分子,使解放区得到巩固。


英文缩写词 OTE 的含义,不止“Opportunity To Earn”一个。




  1. Hellenic Telecommunications 缩写成 “OTE”. 中文意思是:希腊电信
  2. On Target Earnings 缩写成 “OTE”. 中文意思是:目标收益
  3. Over The Edge 缩写成 “OTE”. 中文意思是:在艾吉之上
  4. Organisation for Timeshare in Europe 缩写成 “OTE”. 中文意思是:欧洲分时组织
  5. O Twelve Estate 缩写成 “OTE”. 中文意思是:十二地产
  6. Otis Energy Limited 缩写成 “OTE”. 中文意思是:奥的斯能源有限公司
  7. Organizzazione Trasporti Estero ( Air Freight Italy) 缩写成 “OTE”. 中文意思是:国外运输组织(意大利空运)


  1. One Time Exclusive 缩写成 “OTE”. 中文意思是:一次性独占
  2. On The Edge 缩写成 “OTE”. 中文意思是:在边缘


  1. Oregon Training Equipment 缩写成 “OTE”. 中文意思是:俄勒冈训练设备


  1. Open Transaction Environment 缩写成 “OTE”. 中文意思是:开放式事务环境
  2. Outside Thermal Exhaust 缩写成 “OTE”. 中文意思是:外部热排气

