
“Demand and Supply Chain Management”经常缩写成DSCM,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于商业领域 ,和常用相关。


Demand and Supply Chain Management : 需求与供应链管理

Demand and Supply Chain Management具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:DSCM
  2. 英语全称: Demand and Supply Chain Management
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:需求与供应链管理
  7. 中文拼音:xū qiú yǔ gōng yìng liàn guǎn lǐ
  8. 常用领域:商业
  9. 相关:常用


  1. The concept of demand chain management is described, the difference between demand chain management and supply chain management and the main problems, countermeasures caused by demand chain are analyzed. The solution of demand chain management system is put forward.
  2. 阐述了需求链管理的概念,辨析了需求链管理与供应链管理的区别,分析了需求链所带来的主要问题及对策,最后提出了需求链管理系统的解决方案。
  3. Finally, some measures for reducing the bullwhip effect are presented. The key lies in the cooperation, strategic partnership, sharing of demand information and integrated supply chain management.
  4. 最后提出了减小牛鞭效应的一些措施,指出关键在于供应链各成员相互合作、建立起战略性伙伴关系、共享供应链中的需求信息、进行集成化供应链管理。
  5. Based on the theory of supply chain of inventory control, it deeply analyzes the factors which are the demand magnifying effect and the uncertainty in supply chain management impacting on inventory and puts forward relational solution.
  6. 在供应链理论和库存控制理论的基础上,深入分析了供应链中的需求放大效应和不确定性对库存的影响,提出了相应的对策。
  7. The management of emergency supplies includes the disaster factor analysis, the demand forecasting, and the inventory and supply chain management of emergency supplies.
  8. 应急物资的管理工作涉及到灾害因素的分析、物资需求的预测、物资的库存与供应链管理、以及调拨运输等各个环节。
  9. Demand Planning and Forecasting-A critical success factor to supply chain management is accurate demand forecasting.
  10. 需求规划和预测&供应联成功地的一个重要因素是能够精确的进行需求分析和预测。


英文缩写词 DSCM 的含义,不止“Demand and Supply Chain Management”一个。




  1. Drugstore.Com, Inc. 缩写成 “DSCM”. 中文意思是:药店公司


  1. Deuterated Solvent Conditioning Module 缩写成 “DSCM”. 中文意思是:氘化溶剂调节模块


  1. Dry Standard Cubic Meter 缩写成 “DSCM”. 中文意思是:干标准立方米


  1. Dell Server Configuration and Management 缩写成 “DSCM”. 中文意思是:Dell服务器配置和管理

