
“Fidelity China”经常缩写成FCSS,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于商业领域 ,和伦敦证券交易所相关。


Fidelity China : 富达中国

Fidelity China具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:FCSS
  2. 英语全称: Fidelity China
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:富达中国
  7. 中文拼音:fù dá zhōng guó
  8. 常用领域:商业
  9. 相关:伦敦证券交易所


  1. The board of Fidelity China(FCSS) said this month it would issue new shares in January to meet this demand.
  2. 富达中国(FCSS)董事会本月表示,将在明年1月份发行新股,以满足市场需求。
  3. Anthony Bolton admitted on Tuesday that the performance of his Fidelity China(FCSS) fund, which was launched last year to great fanfare, had been disappointing as the company unveiled its first set of annual results.
  4. 安东尼波顿(AnthonyBolton)周二承认,他的富达中国(FCSS)基金的表现令人失望。这只去年大张旗鼓推出的基金最近公布了第一份年报。
  5. As of Monday 20 June, Fidelity China(FCSS) had fallen more than 20 per cent since the start of the year, compared with a 4 per cent fall in the MSCI China, its benchmark index.
  6. 截至6月20日,富达中国(FCSS)自年初以来已经下跌逾20%,而其比较基准指数&摩根士丹利资本国际中国指数(MSCIChina)的跌幅则为4%。
  7. Speaking on Friday at the first annual general meeting of his fund, Fidelity China(FCSS) Special Situations, Mr Bolton also said he was reducing his exposure to gold after the precious metal hit fresh highs of $ 1, 632.30 an ounce this week.
  8. 上周五,波顿在富达中国(FCSS)特殊情况基金(FidelityChinaSpecialSituations)的第一次股东大会上还表示,上周黄金价格创下每盎司1632.30美元新高之后,他已在削减自己的黄金敞口。
  9. Anthony Bolton, the star fund manager at Fidelity International, has revealed that his flagship China fund suffered losses from investments in two small US-listed Chinese companies accused of fraud.
  10. 富达国际(fidelityinternational)明星基金经理安东尼波顿(anthonybolton)透露,因所投两家在美上市的中国小公司受到欺诈指控,他管理的旗舰中国基金遭受了损失。


英文缩写词 FCSS 的含义,不止“Fidelity China”一个。




  1. Failed Computer Scientist Society 缩写成 “FCSS”. 中文意思是:失败的计算机科学家协会


  1. Family and Community Support Services 缩写成 “FCSS”. 中文意思是:家庭和社区支持服务
  2. Fuel Cell Servicing System 缩写成 “FCSS”. 中文意思是:燃料电池维修系统


  1. Florida Council for the Social Studies 缩写成 “FCSS”. 中文意思是:佛罗里达社会研究理事会
  2. Family Counseling / Shelter Services 缩写成 “FCSS”. 中文意思是:家庭咨询/收容所服务


  1. Fortaleza Confederacy Star Ship 缩写成 “FCSS”. 中文意思是:福塔雷萨联邦星舰

