
“Real Time Data Acquisition System”经常缩写成RTDAS,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于商业领域 ,和常用相关。


Real Time Data Acquisition System : 实时数据采集系统

Real Time Data Acquisition System具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:RTDAS
  2. 英语全称: Real Time Data Acquisition System
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:实时数据采集系统
  7. 中文拼音:shí shí shù jù cǎi jí xì tǒng
  8. 常用领域:商业
  9. 相关:常用


  1. The Research & Implementation of Embedded Real Time Data Acquisition System(RTDAS) Based on Linux and PC / 104 Platform
  2. 基于Linux和PC/104的嵌入式实时数据采集系统(RTDAS)研究与实现
  3. This paper discusses the technology of software anti interference in microcontroller control system and describes the details of the anti interference of real time data acquisition system and the technology of CPU anti interference.
  4. 对单片机控制系统的软件抗干扰技术进行了讨论,并详细论述了实时数据采集误差的抗干扰和CPU抗干扰技术。
  5. The real time data acquisition system of the coordinator gyrorotor which is applied to measuring the scan circle is described in detail, including the hardware configuration and soft design. The analysis of the result of this method is presented at last.
  6. 详细阐述了基于PCI总线的实时数据采集系统(RTDAS)如何实现对扫描圆的数字化测量,包括系统的硬件与软件设计,并对测试结果进行了分析。
  7. Real Time Data Acquisition System(RTDAS) of the Coordinator Gyrorotor Based on PCI Bus
  8. 基于PCI总线的位标器陀螺转子实时数据采集系统(RTDAS)
  9. This real time data acquisition system has some specific characteristics, such as general purpose data acquisition, distributed HW & SW, etc.
  10. 该实时数据采集系统(RTDAS)具有一些特点,如通用数据采集,分布式硬软件等。


英文缩写词 RTDAS 的含义,不止“Real Time Data Acquisition System”一个。




  1. Real-Time Data Acquisition System 缩写成 “RTDAS”. 中文意思是:实时数据采集系统

