
“OZ Minerals”经常缩写成OZL,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于商业领域 ,和ASX符号相关。


OZ Minerals : 奥兹矿业公司

OZ Minerals具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:OZL
  2. 英语全称: OZ Minerals
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:奥兹矿业公司
  7. 中文拼音:ào zī kuàng yè gōng sī
  8. 常用领域:商业
  9. 相关:ASX符号


  1. Minmetals has already had some success overseas, for example with its oz minerals investment in 2009.
  2. 五矿已经在海外获得了一些成功,例如2009年对ozminerals的投资。
  3. Minmetals will also be required to maintain or increase production and employment at the oz minerals mines it is acquiring and reopen the Avebury mine, which was closed late last year.
  4. 五矿还必须维持或增加将要收购的oz矿的生产及人员雇佣,并重开去年底关停的avebury矿。
  5. However, Oz Minerals shareholders recently accepted an offer from Minmetals to purchase the company's mining assets after the Chinese group raised its offer in a pre-emptive move to head off opposition.
  6. 不过,在五矿集团(Minmetals)先发制人提高报价,阻止了反对意见之后,OzMinerals的股东最近接受了这家中国集团购买其矿业资产的提议。
  7. Just three deals have been withdrawn, and one of those Minmetals ' bid for Oz Minerals was resurrected in an acceptable form.
  8. 迄今只有三宗竞购被撤回,而其中一笔交易中国五矿(Minmetals)收购OzMinerals又以可接受的形式复活了。
  9. Oz minerals has for months been struggling to sell assets, cut costs, raise commodity funding and refinance its debt to appease financiers who have threatened to place oz minerals into administration.
  10. ozminerals数月来一直在努力出售资产、削减成本、筹措大宗商品资金和为其债务进行再融资,以便安抚那些威胁将把其纳入破产管理的金融家。


英文缩写词 OZL 的含义,不止“OZ Minerals”一个。




  1. Ammassalik Radio 缩写成 “OZL”. 中文意思是:阿马萨利克电台

