“Seek Limited”经常缩写成SEKKOA,以便快捷书写、使用。
常见于商业领域 ,和ASX符号相关。中文意思为:“寻求限制”。
Seek Limited具体释义
- 英文缩写:SEKKOA
- 英语全称: Seek Limited
- 英语发音:
- 美式英语发音:
- 英式英语发音:
- 中文意思:寻求限制
- 中文拼音:xún qiú xiàn zhì
- 常用领域:商业
- 相关:ASX符号
- So, facing kinds of conflicts and disadvantages in the existing living, they still can continuously seek developmental chances in limited time and space and go forward calmly in conflict based on the traditional culture.
- 因此,在现有的生活中,在面对种种冲突、种种不利的条件下,在传统文化的基础之上,依然能在有限的时间与空间之中不断寻求发展的契机,不断使自己在冲突中冷静前行。
- He and his colleagues are now gathering data to seek regulatory approval for a limited trial in humans to determine the safety of the vector in human muscle.
- 他和他的同事现在正收集数据,测定菌在人类肌肉中的安全性,以寻求限制(SEKKOA)在人类试验的调整批准。
- Partly in that hope, bankers are keen for Bern to seek " fair treatment " meaning limited penalties for clients who willingly come forward to their domestic tax authorities.
- 部分出于这一希望,银行家们热切希望瑞士政府为那些愿意面对本国税收机构的客户寻求“公平待遇”即有限处罚。
- But there is much more to energy that what we are aware of because unless we seek a different perspective, our experience is limited to what we can know in the third dimension.
- 但是对于能量的理解有更深的含义,那即是除非我们探求到一个不同的观点我们才能知晓,我们的体验被我们所现时所知道的限制着,在这个第三维度的世界里。
- The government education department although took some measures to seek unity development, but the role is limited, however the activities of development and the societies ' impact of producing is remarkable.
- 政府教育部门虽采取了一些措施谋求统一发展,但发挥作用有限,然而开展的活动及产生的社会影响令人瞩目。