
“To Big To Fail”经常缩写成TBTF,以便快捷书写、使用。



To Big To Fail : 大到失败

To Big To Fail具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:TBTF
  2. 英语全称: To Big To Fail
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:大到失败
  7. 中文拼音:dà dào shī bài
  8. 常用领域:商业
  9. 相关:常用


  1. Any institution that does not want to be too big to fail can shrink through spin-offs and be eligible for the lower leverage ratio.
  2. 任何不想成为“太大而不能倒”的机构都可以通过分拆缩减规模,从而有资格实行更低的杠杆比率。
  3. What we must also recognise is that in our desire to remove too big to fail from the lexicon, we should avoid creating a greater degree of panic among investors when large institutions hit bumps in the road.
  4. 我们还必须意识到,在我们希望将规模太大不能破产这个词从字典中删除的过程中,我们应避免在大型机构触礁时,在投资者中制造更大恐慌。
  5. A decade ago, western regulators used to fret about banks that were deemed to be too big to fail – in the sense of being so elephantine that they would shake the entire system if they collapsed.
  6. 10年前,西方监管机构常常对那些被认为太大而不能让其倒闭的银行感到担忧&它们过于庞大,以至于倒闭了会影响整个体系。
  7. Governments, however, are wary of allowing them to become too big to fail, and the generation of executives at the senior levels of banks have never operated in a contracting industry.
  8. 不过,政府会提防让它们变得大到不能倒,此外,这一代银行高管从未在不断收缩的银行业中从事过经营。
  9. Meanwhile, regulators struggle to devise a solution to the glaring problem that we now know such institutions to be too big to fail.
  10. 与此同时,监管机构正想方设法,力图解决我们如今才明白的此类机构太大而不能倒闭的突出问题。


英文缩写词 TBTF 的含义,不止“To Big To Fail”一个。




  1. Tasty Bits from the Technology Front 缩写成 “TBTF”. 中文意思是:科技前沿的美味佳肴


  1. Tampa Bay Technology Forum 缩写成 “TBTF”. 中文意思是:坦帕湾技术论坛

