
“Cash Flow From Financial”经常缩写成CFFF,以便快捷书写、使用。



Cash Flow From Financial : 财务现金流

Cash Flow From Financial具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:CFFF
  2. 英语全称: Cash Flow From Financial
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:财务现金流
  7. 中文拼音:cái wù xiàn jīn liú
  8. 常用领域:商业
  9. 相关:会计


  1. In pat 2, it introduced the financial sheet analyzing and the indexes of analyzing. It emphasized the importance of cash flow analyzing from the financial sheet analyzing to cash flow analyzing.
  2. 第二部分,介绍了财务报表分析、现金流量分析及其分析指标、现金流量在企业价值评估方面应用情况等内容,对净利润指标分析和现金流量指标分析进行了比较,突出现金流量分析的重要性。
  3. Risk of low cash flow and high bad debt resulted from purchase and sale of related parties, To measure financial risk of related party transaction, we introduce the modern enterprise financial value theory.
  4. 关联方购销带来的低现金流和高坏账风险。
  5. A constant cash flow supported the operation of urban land reserve syetem. Fiscal supports from government and commercial bank loans, two traditional financial channels, could not meet the enormous fund demands in the current urban land readjustment and development endeavor.
  6. 城市土地储备制度的运行必须以连续的资金流为保证,但是传统的融资渠道,如财政拨款和银行贷款已不能满足当前城市土地整理及开发中巨大的资金需求。
  7. The financial information acquisition from cash flow report is on the basis of quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis of management, investment and funding, and the analysis of enterprise financial situation from cash flow information and financial rate.
  8. 要从现金流量表获得有价值的财务信息,就要搞好经营、投资、筹资活动的定性分析和定量分析,从现金流量信息和财务比率分析企业财务状况。


英文缩写词 CFFF 的含义,不止“Cash Flow From Financial”一个。




  1. Canadian Fallen Firefighters Foundation 缩写成 “CFFF”. 中文意思是:加拿大倒下消防队员基金会
  2. Canada Feature Film Fund 缩写成 “CFFF”. 中文意思是:加拿大故事片基金


  1. Critical Flicker Fusion Frequency 缩写成 “CFFF”. 中文意思是:临界闪烁融合频率
  2. Ceramic Fuel Fabrication Facility 缩写成 “CFFF”. 中文意思是:陶瓷燃料制造设施

