
“Financial Internal Rate of Return”经常缩写成FIRR,以便快捷书写、使用。



Financial Internal Rate of Return : 财务内部收益率

Financial Internal Rate of Return具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:FIRR
  2. 英语全称: Financial Internal Rate of Return
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:财务内部收益率
  7. 中文拼音:cái wù nèi bù shōu yì lǜ
  8. 常用领域:商业
  9. 相关:会计


  1. Financial rate of return; internal rate of financial return; financial internal rate of return - FIRR : The internal rate of return Based on financial or market prices.
  2. 财务收益率;财务内部收益率(FIRR)(简写为FIRR):根据财务或市场价格计算出的内部收益率。
  3. Meanwhile, analyzed the finance index ( financial net present value, financial internal rate of return, investment payback time, profit margin of investigate and so on ) I got the safety, feasibility and economic reasonableness.
  4. 同时,通过对财务净现值、财务内部收益率(FIRR)、投资回收期、投资利润率、投资利税率等财务指标的分析,得出了鸳鸯港建设的安全性、可行性和财务合理性的重要结论。
  5. Assumed that earning on the project operation and construction investment are the variations, which impact on the financial internal rate of return, payback period and other indicators, sensitivity analysis is carried out.
  6. 就项目经营业收入、建设投资为变动因素对财务内部收益率(FIRR)、投资回收期等指标的影响进行敏感性分析,通过分析可得,项目对营业收入较敏感。
  7. Income selecting and cost selecting are recommended to calculate and make comparison simultaneously. Higher value can be used as basic one to determine risk factor and the industry's expected value and finally confirm the financial internal rate of return of petroleum industry.
  8. 建议采用项目收益法和资金成本法同时测算,测得的结果进行比较,选定高值作为基值,然后确定风险系数和行业希望值,最终确定石油行业财务内部收益率(FIRR)基准值。
  9. Abstract Basic financial internal rate of return is a basic standard which evaluates the economic benefit of investment, and the judgement whether an investment plan is feasible or not, and the crucial index whether a project is acceptable or not.
  10. 财务基准收益率是评价投资经济效益,判断投资方案是否可行的基本标准,是决定项目取舍的关键指标。


英文缩写词 FIRR 的含义,不止“Financial Internal Rate of Return”一个。




  1. Fact Impact Respect Request 缩写成 “FIRR”. 中文意思是:事实影响尊重请求
  2. Fundacja Instytut Rozwoju Regionalnego 缩写成 “FIRR”. 中文意思是:区域发展基金会研究所
  3. Fundacja Instytut 缩写成 “FIRR”. 中文意思是:Fundacja研究所

