
“Offer Of The Day”经常缩写成OOTD,以便快捷书写、使用。



Offer Of The Day : 当日优惠

Offer Of The Day具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:OOTD
  2. 英语全称: Offer Of The Day
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:当日优惠
  7. 中文拼音:dāng rì yōu huì
  8. 常用领域:商业
  9. 相关:产品


  1. For example, are you involved in committees, projects or initiatives that, even if they go well, don't offer a productive or meaningful result to you at the end of the day?
  2. 例如,你是不是正参加一些组织、项目或计划,可即便这些事情进行顺利也不会给你带来一个有成效、有意义的结果?
  3. Some communities have chosen to live near protected backwaters, which offer the distance from the ocean while allowing them to haul in their boats at the end of the day.
  4. 有些社区选择靠近受保护的回水区,因为这里既与大海保持了一定的距离,又可以在打完鱼后将渔船收在这里。
  5. Sure, Sony sacrificed its PS4 camera by opting not to offer it as a pack-in, and that will impact how many games utilize it, but at the end of the day most gamers will be happy without it.
  6. 的确,索尼牺牲了PS4的摄像头,不再将其作为套装配件发售,这会影响很多游戏迷的使用,但最终多数人会觉得没有这个摄像头也挺好。
  7. " Our offer is valid for seven days from today, and will then be subject to change according to the market price of the day "
  8. 我方的报盘自今日起一周内有效,以后可按每日市价变动/随行就市
  9. Posts offer a whole host of services – both traditional and new – to meet the communication needs of billions of people and businesses every day.
  10. 邮政提供了一整套传统的和新的服务,以满足几十亿人及企业每天的通信交流的需求。


英文缩写词 OOTD 的含义,不止“Offer Of The Day”一个。




  1. One Of These Days 缩写成 “OOTD”. 中文意思是:总有一天
  2. Out Of The Dumps 缩写成 “OOTD”. 中文意思是:从垃圾堆里出来


  1. Office Of The Dean 缩写成 “OOTD”. 中文意思是:院长办公室


  1. Orders Of The Day 缩写成 “OOTD”. 中文意思是:当日订单


  1. Out Of The Darkness 缩写成 “OOTD”. 中文意思是:走出黑暗
  2. Outfit Of The Day 缩写成 “OOTD”. 中文意思是:全天候装备
  3. Opening Of The Day 缩写成 “OOTD”. 中文意思是:开放日
  4. Obsessions Of The Damsel 缩写成 “OOTD”. 中文意思是:女人的痴迷
  5. Only Offer The Donut 缩写成 “OOTD”. 中文意思是:只提供甜甜圈
  6. Oodles Of Turkey Dressing 缩写成 “OOTD”. 中文意思是:火鸡酱
  7. Outer orbital thoracic dermatome…is 缩写成 “OOTD”. 中文意思是:眶外胸部皮肤病


  1. Order Of The Dragon 缩写成 “OOTD”. 中文意思是:龙的命令
  2. One Of Those Days 缩写成 “OOTD”. 中文意思是:有一天

