
“Committee On Quality”经常缩写成COQ,以便快捷书写、使用。



Committee On Quality : 质量委员会

Committee On Quality具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:COQ
  2. 英语全称: Committee On Quality
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:质量委员会
  7. 中文拼音:zhì liàng wěi yuán huì
  8. 常用领域:商业
  9. 相关:会计


  1. Advisory Committee on Quality Assurance Inspection
  2. 质素保证视学咨询委员会
  3. Committee on the quality of life and status of women
  4. 生活质量和妇女地位委员会
  5. Examine the role of the Audit Committee and governance performance, mainly focus on the following areas : the Audit Committee Characteristics and quality of financial reporting, the Audit Committee and Internal Audit, the Audit Committee and external audit.
  6. 考察审计委员会的角色与治理绩效,主要着眼于以下几方面:审计委员会特征与财务报告质量、审计委员会与内部审计、审计委员会与外部审计。
  7. Since its inception, the issuance examination committee whether to insist on a fair, just and open as the guiding principle for improving the quality of listed companies from the source has great significance.
  8. 自从发审委创立以来,是否坚持以公平、公正、公开为指导原则,对于把好市场准入关、从源头上提高上市公司质量具有重要的意义。
  9. In 2003, the Outline of Constructing Comparatively Well off Society in Full Scale put by the committee and government of Henan province not only put forward requirement on the speed of economic growth but also put forward requirement on the quality of economic growth.
  10. 2003年河南省委、省政府提出的《全面建设小康社会纲要》不仅对经济增长速度提出了要求,更对经济增长质量提出了要求。


英文缩写词 COQ 的含义,不止“Committee On Quality”一个。




  1. Choibalsan, Mongolia 缩写成 “COQ”. 中文意思是:蒙古Choibalsan


  1. Certificate Of Qualification 缩写成 “COQ”. 中文意思是:资格证书


  1. Cost Of Quality 缩写成 “COQ”. 中文意思是:质量成本

