“Information Technology Operations Management”经常缩写成ITOM,以便快捷书写、使用。
Information Technology Operations Management具体释义
- 英文缩写:ITOM
- 英语全称: Information Technology Operations Management
- 英语发音:
- 美式英语发音:
- 英式英语发音:
- 中文意思:信息技术运营管理
- 中文拼音:xìn xī jì shù yùn yíng guǎn lǐ
- 常用领域:商业
- 相关:专业组织
- The trustee system is an integrated service management system, which involves annuity business, information technology, and operations management.
- 企业年金受托管理系统是一个涉及年金受托业务、信息技术、运营管理等多方面因素的综合业务管理系统。
- The management in call center is to manage the customer service representatives ( CSR ). The research of HR management, especially the team management in JCC, has become the other core researches which are including the information, technology and operations management.
- 呼叫中心的管理主要是对客服代表的管理,因此人力资源管理研究在呼叫中心成为了与信息、技术以及运营管理研究并列的又一重要核心,尤其是对团队管理的研究。
- As a theory and software system of management, Enterprise Resource Planning ( ERP ) combines the information technology and concrete operations of management area, supporting strongly the enterprises ' participating in the furious competition.
- 企业资源规划(ERP,EnterpriseResourcePlanning)作为一种管理理念和软件系统,融合了计算机信息技术和管理领域的具体业务,为企业参与激烈的市场竞争提供了有力的支持。
- With the continuous development of information technology, the business operations and management of many enterprises are also constantly being changed, and the coorperation between enterprise and enterprise is getting closer.
- 随着信息技术不断地发展,各企业运营以及管理方式在不断地变革,企业与企业之间的合作也越来越紧密。
- Initiated by the Information Technology Center of Ministry of Railways, the railway TMIS ( Train Management Information System ) project has improved the overall level of information technology for railway transportation, and provide technical support for the modernization of production operations and information management.
- 由铁道部信息技术中心发起并建设的铁路TMIS工程提高了铁路信息化的整体水平,为铁路运输、生产作业的现代化和信息化管理提供了技术保障。
英文缩写词 ITOM 的含义,不止“Information Technology Operations Management”一个。
- Ideas TO the Market 缩写成 “ITOM”. 中文意思是:对市场的想法
- Information Technology and Operations Management 缩写成 “ITOM”. 中文意思是:信息技术与运营管理
- Information Technology Outsource Management 缩写成 “ITOM”. 中文意思是:信息技术外包管理
- Interstate Transportation of Obscene Matter 缩写成 “ITOM”. 中文意思是:州际淫秽物品运输
- Information Technology Operating Model 缩写成 “ITOM”. 中文意思是:信息技术运作模式