“Travel and Entertainment”经常缩写成T&E,以便快捷书写、使用。
Travel and Entertainment具体释义
- 英文缩写:T&E
- 英语全称: Travel and Entertainment
- 英语发音:
- 美式英语发音:
- 英式英语发音:
- 中文意思:旅游和娱乐
- 中文拼音:lǚ yóu hé yú lè
- 常用领域:商业
- 相关:常用
- The cost of business travel and entertainment can be set against tax.
- 出公差和娱乐的费用可以不纳税。
- In other aspects, there are countless changes and styles in food, house, travel and entertainment.
- 其它食、住、行、娱乐的花样就更是多得数也数不清了。
- Americans have cut back on spending, and not just for things like travel and entertainment, or new cars.
- 美国人已经开始缩减开支,不只是缩减诸如旅游娱乐或新车。
- Travel and entertainment will be pleasurable. Take care that arrangements to spend quality time together are made in advance.
- 无论去旅行还是进行娱乐,你都会感到愉快。注意要提前安排好共度美好时光的计划。
- Eight aspects of the above constitute a food, housing, transportation, travel shopping and entertainment as one of the comprehensive development of desert tourism model.
- 以上八个方面的内容共同构成了一个以吃、住、行、游购、娱为一体的沙漠旅游的综合开发模式。
英文缩写词 T&E 的含义,不止“Travel and Entertainment”一个。
- Test and Evaluation 缩写成 “T&E”. 中文意思是:测试和评估