
“Hot Water Heat Pump”经常缩写成HWHP,以便快捷书写、使用。



Hot Water Heat Pump : 热水热泵

Hot Water Heat Pump具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:HWHP
  2. 英语全称: Hot Water Heat Pump
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:热水热泵
  7. 中文拼音:rè shuǐ rè bèng
  8. 常用领域:商业
  9. 相关:产品


  1. This paper analyzes the energy saving, economy and progress of some building hot water technology, such as solar energy hot water technology, heat pump hot water technology and waste heat utilization technology.
  2. 分析了太阳能热水技术、热泵热水技术、废热回收利用技术等建筑热水技术的进展、节能性及经济性。
  3. Development of Teaching and Training Device for Comprehensive Utilization of Solar Energy ( VI ): The Hot Water System with Hybrid Heat Pump Powered by Solar Energy and Air
  4. 太阳能综合利用教学、实训装置的研发(VI)太阳能空气双源热泵热水系统
  5. This paper presents the calculation methods of primary energy economic ratio and operation and maintenance charge of the recovery condensing of air-conditional system in hotel in summer ( hot water supplying system with heat pump ) and hot water supplying with boiler.
  6. 本文提出了宾馆夏季空调冷凝热回收系统(宾馆热泵供热系统)及供热水锅炉的一次能源节约率及运行维护管理费用的计算方法。
  7. Develops a complex chilled and hot water unit combining air-source heat pump, solar water heater and electric water heater. According to geographic and meteorological conditions, one economized scheme could be selected from 11 modes for air conditioning, heating and hot water supplying.
  8. 研制了一种集空气源热泵、太阳能热水器和电热水器于一体的冷热水机组,可根据地理和气象条件从11种运行方案中优选节能方案,实现空调、热水供应和供暖;
  9. In this paper, air-source heat pump ( ASHP ) hot water system, groundwater source heat pump ( GSHP ) hot water system and three-heat-source hot water system ( TSHS ) are compared.
  10. 文章对空气源热泵热水系统、地下水源热泵热水系统和三热源热泵热水系统进行对比分析。


英文缩写词 HWHP 的含义,不止“Hot Water Heat Pump”一个。




  1. Health Wellness and Human Performance 缩写成 “HWHP”. 中文意思是:健康与人的表现


  1. Healthy Water, Healthy People (Maryland) 缩写成 “HWHP”. 中文意思是:健康的水,健康的人(马里兰州)

