
“Strategic New Product Development”经常缩写成SNPD,以便快捷书写、使用。



Strategic New Product Development : 战略性新产品开发

Strategic New Product Development具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:SNPD
  2. 英语全称: Strategic New Product Development
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:战略性新产品开发
  7. 中文拼音:zhàn lvè xìng xīn chǎn pǐn kāi fā
  8. 常用领域:商业
  9. 相关:产品


  1. This text has made a concrete analysis of to the strategic research of sofa new product development in such aspects as market, famous brand, innovation and the discussion.
  2. 本文对沙发新产品开发的战略研究在市场、名牌、创新等方面进行了具体分析与探讨。开发新产品要考虑消费群体的定位,价格定位,市场定位,把产品的定位纳入市场机制。
  3. Keep or maintain the current business market position of the new product, the enterprise who has this strategic goal will choose defense strategy of new product development.
  4. 保持或维持企业现有的市场地位,有这种战略目标的企业会选择新产品开发的防御战略。
  5. The comparison focuses on the infrastructure, fund scale, strategic positioning, policy difference as well as competition in new product development, which is enlightening to the Chinese fund industry.
  6. 本文对两地近年基金行业的发展状况展开比较,着重介绍它们在行业基础条件、总体规模、战略定位和政策上的差别以及在产品创新方面的竞争,从中得出对国内基金业发展的若干启示。
  7. The paper puts forward strategic conceptions of tourism in Anyang, from image locatin 、 new product development 、 Recreational Belt Around Metropolis 、 market in Internet and talent reservior according to the present in Anyang city.
  8. 针对安阳市旅游业发展现状,从形象定位、新产品开发、环城游憩带、互联网营销及人才储备几个方面,提出了安阳市旅游业的发展战略构想。
  9. R D / marketing integration means that enterprise strengthens communication and cooperation between R D and marketing in order to realize their strategic integration while R D and marketing maintain their respective function during new product development.
  10. RD/市场营销整合是指企业新产品开发过程中,在保持RD部门和市场营销部门各自功能的同时加强两个部门之间的交流与互动,以使两个职能部门进行战略上的联合。


英文缩写词 SNPD 的含义,不止“Strategic New Product Development”一个。




  1. Sistema Nacional de Planeación Democrática 缩写成 “SNPD”. 中文意思是:国家民主计划体系

