
“Human Resources and Organizational Management”经常缩写成HROM,以便快捷书写、使用。



Human Resources and Organizational Management : 人力资源与组织管理

Human Resources and Organizational Management具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:HROM
  2. 英语全称: Human Resources and Organizational Management
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:人力资源与组织管理
  7. 中文拼音:rén lì zī yuán yǔ zǔ zhī guǎn lǐ
  8. 常用领域:商业
  9. 相关:管理


  1. And it further expounds venture capital's positive role in the SMEs ' innovation value realization, for example, it can offer follow-up funds, human resources and organizational management, etc. so that it can provide favorable conditions for the well-off transformation of innovation achievements.
  2. 接着进一步阐述了风险投资在支持创新价值实现上的积极作用:提供了后续资金、人力资源、组织管理等方面的支持,为创新成果的顺利转化提供了有利的条件。
  3. This article is to explore communication in large and complex project implementation process, how human resources and organizational management, mobilize the enthusiasm, give full play to their abilities.
  4. 本文正是探讨在大型复杂通信工程项目的实施过程中,如何通过人力资源和组织管理,最大限度地调动人员的积极性,充分发挥他们的能力。
  5. Requirements of private colleges and universities in the management mechanism, service and teaching mechanism, financing mechanism, human resources and organizational management the respect such as the mechanism to make full text.
  6. 要求民办高校在经营机制、服务与教学机制、融资机制、人力资源和组织管理机制等方面做足文章。
  7. It is urgent to configure the human resources of the company effectively in order to timely promote the reconstruction of internal technique and human resources and adjust the organizational structure to set up the standard management system of human resources.
  8. 根据公司的竞争和发展战略,有效地配置人力资源,及时促进公司内部技术和人力资源重组,调整组织结构,构建规范的人力资源管理体系已是刻不容缓。
  9. But the Learning and Growth Perspective, which encompasses intangible assets like human resources, information technology, and organizational climate, has no generally accepted management framework.
  10. 而第四个方向-学习与成长,包含的无形资产:人力资源、资讯科技及企业文化,都是未有一般被接受的管理模式。

