
“Performance Management and Development System”经常缩写成PMDS,以便快捷书写、使用。



Performance Management and Development System : 绩效管理与发展体系

Performance Management and Development System具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:PMDS
  2. 英语全称: Performance Management and Development System
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:绩效管理与发展体系
  7. 中文拼音:jì xiào guǎn lǐ yǔ fā zhǎn tǐ xì
  8. 常用领域:商业
  9. 相关:管理


  1. By conducting employee satisfaction surveys, the thesis finds the key factors which affects employee satisfaction, concluding pay management, performance management, personal growth and development, work stress and employment system.
  2. 通过进行员工满意度调查,找到影响员工满意度的关键因素分别为薪酬、绩效管理、员工个人成长和发展、工作压力和用人制度几个方面。
  3. The staff performance management system includes performance target system, performance improvement system, performance evaluation system and salary development system. And the system is based on those inner ideas.
  4. 在这些内在理念的基础上建立的员工绩效管理系统包括相互独立又相互衔接的四个子系统:绩效目标体系、绩效改进体系、绩效评估体系和薪酬发展体系。
  5. In this paper, the author expounds the evaluation system on performance of environment management and capability of sustainable development, and he also elaborates the principles of establishing the system.
  6. 本文着重探讨了企业环境管理与可持续发展能力评价的构建原则与评价体系。
  7. Chapter IV of the primary sector performance appraisal system for the improved design; basic management and business development from two angles to build a performance evaluation index system, and finally according to the actual work of grassroots organizations to improve the performance evaluation of implementation.
  8. 第四章对基层机构绩效考评体系进行了改进型设计;从基础管理和经营发展两个角度构建了绩效考评的指标体系,最后根据基层机构的实际工作情况改进了绩效考评实施方案。
  9. In the designing of study performance support system ( SPSS ), the application of domain knowledge ontology model effectively supports the sharing, retrieving and management of knowledge, and the development of instructional system.
  10. 在对学习支持系统(SPSS)的设计中,利用领域知识本体模型,有效的支持了知识的共享、获取和管理,也支持了教学系统的开发。


英文缩写词 PMDS 的含义,不止“Performance Management and Development System”一个。




  1. Persistent Muellerian Duct Syndrome 缩写成 “PMDS”. 中文意思是:持续性米勒管综合征
  2. Persistent Müllerian duct syndrome 缩写成 “PMDS”. 中文意思是:持续性苗勒氏管综合征
  3. Pacific Medical Data Solutions 缩写成 “PMDS”. 中文意思是:太平洋医疗数据解决方案


  1. Pact Model Demonstration Sites 缩写成 “PMDS”. 中文意思是:PACT模型示范点
  2. Printed Materials Distribution Services 缩写成 “PMDS”. 中文意思是:印刷品分销服务
  3. Primary Motion Detection System 缩写成 “PMDS”. 中文意思是:主运动检测系统

