
“Bilateral Investment Protection Agreements”经常缩写成BIPA,以便快捷书写、使用。



Bilateral Investment Protection Agreements : 双边投资保护协定

Bilateral Investment Protection Agreements具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:BIPA
  2. 英语全称: Bilateral Investment Protection Agreements
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:双边投资保护协定
  7. 中文拼音:shuāng biān tóu zī bǎo hù xié dìng
  8. 常用领域:商业
  9. 相关:投资


  1. We should speed up investment facilitation, eliminate investment barriers, and push forward negotiations on bilateral investment protection agreements and double taxation avoidance agreements to protect the lawful rights and interests of investors.
  2. 加快投资便利化进程,消除投资壁垒。加强双边投资保护协定(BIPA)、避免双重征税协定磋商,保护投资者的合法权益。
  3. Exercise of the right of subrogation correspondingly divided into two modes, one is based on bilateral investment protection agreements in the relevant regulations, through litigation or arbitration manner; Then there through diplomatic protection, through diplomatic means to achieve the right of subrogation.
  4. 代位权的行使也就相应主要分为两种方式,一个是根据双边投资保护协定(BIPA)中的相关规定,通过诉讼或仲裁等方式进行;再就是通过外交保护,通过外交手段实现代位权。
  5. On the basis of subrogation, the main legal basis in international law, there are two views, one bilateral investment protection agreements, subrogation clause; the other is the diplomatic protection of international law theory.
  6. 关于代位权的依据,主要是国际法上的法律依据,主要有两种观点,一是双边投资保护协定(BIPA)的代位权条款;另一个是外交保护的国际公法的理论。
  7. It is a national or government guarantees, underwriting political risks in overseas investment, and is often associated with bilateral or multilateral investment protection agreements with the international operation.
  8. 它是一种国家或政府保证,承保的是海外投资中的政治风险,且常常与国际上的双边或多边投资保护协定配合运作。


英文缩写词 BIPA 的含义,不止“Bilateral Investment Protection Agreements”一个。




  1. British Internet Publishers Alliance 缩写成 “BIPA”. 中文意思是:英国互联网出版商联盟


  1. British Indian Psychiatric Association 缩写成 “BIPA”. 中文意思是:英国印度精神病协会


  1. Bayelsa Investment Promotion Agency 缩写成 “BIPA”. 中文意思是:Bayelsa投资促进机构


  1. British Irish Parliamentary Assembly 缩写成 “BIPA”. 中文意思是:英国爱尔兰议会


  1. Bahrain Institute of Public Administration 缩写成 “BIPA”. 中文意思是:巴林公共管理学院


  1. Balls in Play Average 缩写成 “BIPA”. 中文意思是:平均球数

