
“Working Hours Per Day”经常缩写成WHPD,以便快捷书写、使用。



Working Hours Per Day : 每天工作时间

Working Hours Per Day具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:WHPD
  2. 英语全称: Working Hours Per Day
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:每天工作时间
  7. 中文拼音:měi tiān gōng zuò shí jiān
  8. 常用领域:商业
  9. 相关:常用


  1. When setting up a shift that spans midnight, pay close attention to the working hours per day, and not just to the shift hours.
  2. 在设置时间范围包含午夜的班次时,应密切注意每天的工作时间,而不只是该班次的时间。
  3. [ Conclusion ] Our findings suggested that in order to prevent the occurrence of injuries among seafarers, it would be necessary to improve seafarers ' working environment, enforce occupational health and safety education and set up a limit to working hours per day.
  4. [结论]为防止海员外伤的发生,建议改善其工作环境,加强职业卫生安全教育,并制定每天工作时间(WHPD)限值。
  5. It's not surprising you feel weak after working fourteen hours per day for a month.
  6. 在一天工作14个小时并且持续一个月后,你觉得很虚弱一点儿也不奇怪。
  7. Working for over 10 hours per day
  8. 每天工作超过10小时
  9. Keep on working on the language for several hours per day, and by the end of the month, youll find that you have a good grasp on the language.
  10. 保持每天花几个小时使用这门语言,到这个月底,你会发现已经很好地掌握了它。


英文缩写词 WHPD 的含义,不止“Working Hours Per Day”一个。




  1. West Haven Police Department 缩写成 “WHPD”. 中文意思是:西黑文警察局
  2. Winthrop Harbor Police Department 缩写成 “WHPD”. 中文意思是:温斯洛普港警察局
  3. Western Hemisphere Priority Date 缩写成 “WHPD”. 中文意思是:西半球优先日期

