
“Development Credit Bank”经常缩写成DCB,以便快捷书写、使用。



Development Credit Bank : 开发信贷银行

Development Credit Bank具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:DCB
  2. 英语全称: Development Credit Bank
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:开发信贷银行
  7. 中文拼音:kāi fā xìn dài yín háng
  8. 常用领域:商业
  9. 相关:银行业


  1. Study on development of Credit Insurance of Bank Loan in China after entered WTO
  2. 入世后我国银行贷款信用保险发展问题研究
  3. However, the lack of effective marketing performance evaluation system resulted in a lot of problems in credit card business, which seriously constrained development of credit card business of China Everbright Bank.
  4. 但由于缺乏有效的营销绩效评价体系,致使信用卡业务发展出现了诸多问题,严重制约了光大银行信用卡业务的发展。
  5. Credit card, with the development of commodity economy, commercial credit and bank credit product of the combination, is now popular worldwide, easy, secure payment and settlement tool.
  6. 信用卡是随着商品经济的发展,商业信用与银行信用相结合的产物,是目前已经世界范围内普及的简便、安全的支付与结算工具。
  7. At the same time, the bad loan of the personal housing credit is climbing with the rapid development of the personal housing credit in commercial bank, and the risk of the personal housing credit appeared gradually.
  8. 与此同时,随着我国商业银行个人住房信贷的快速增长,个人住房信贷不良贷款率也在逐步上升,且有加速的迹象,个人住房信贷风险逐步显现。
  9. Consequently how to determine malicious overdraft behavior accurately, strike malicious overdraft effectively, guarantee healthy development of our country credit card business, bank funds safety, steady financial order has become urgent matter of the moment.
  10. 因此如何准确定性恶意透支行为,有效打击恶意透支型信用卡诈骗犯罪,保障我国信用卡业务健康发展、银行资金安全、金融秩序稳定业已成为当务之急。


英文缩写词 DCB 的含义,不止“Development Credit Bank”一个。




  1. Demand, Collection, & Balance 缩写成 “DCB”. 中文意思是:需求、收款和余额
  2. Demand Collection Balance 缩写成 “DCB”. 中文意思是:活期收款余额


  1. Direct Copper Bonding 缩写成 “DCB”. 中文意思是:直接铜焊


  1. Dependent Care Benefit 缩写成 “DCB”. 中文意思是:依赖护理福利


  1. David Crowder Band 缩写成 “DCB”. 中文意思是:大卫克劳德乐队


  1. Digital Control Bus 缩写成 “DCB”. 中文意思是:数字控制总线
  2. Data Communication Board 缩写成 “DCB”. 中文意思是:数据通信板
  3. Direct Copper Bon 缩写成 “DCB”. 中文意思是:直接铜苯环


  1. Digital Channel Bank 缩写成 “DCB”. 中文意思是:数字信道组
  2. Data Control Block 缩写成 “DCB”. 中文意思是:数据控制块
  3. Disk Coprocessor Board 缩写成 “DCB”. 中文意思是:硬盘协处理器卡
  4. Data Center Bridging 缩写成 “DCB”. 中文意思是:数据中心桥接

