
“The Business Year”经常缩写成TBY,以便快捷书写、使用。



The Business Year : 营业年度

The Business Year具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:TBY
  2. 英语全称: The Business Year
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:营业年度
  7. 中文拼音:yíng yè nián dù
  8. 常用领域:商业
  9. 相关:


  1. The company held off providing earnings estimates for the business year ending March next year, citing difficulties in assessing future developments of electricity supply and demand due to the effects of the March 11 earthquake and tsunami.
  2. 东电以3月11日地震与海啸过后,电力供需的未来走势难以评估为由,宣布将推迟对截至明年3月之财年的盈利预测。
  3. By time it is divided into driving factors based on historical data and forecast of the business year in the future.
  4. 从时间上划分为基于历史数据驱动因素分解和对未来经营年度进行预测。
  5. China Telecom Group, as a listed company, network equipment and spare parts spare configuration and capital costs in the business year by year the proportion has increased significantly.
  6. 中国电信集团作为一个上市公司,网络设备及其备件备品的配置和资金在企业成本中的比例逐年显著增加。
  7. His sister and brother-in-law are planning to leave the business next year.
  8. 他的姐姐和姐夫明年都不打算干了。
  9. We only just started up the business last year so we haven't really gained a foothold in the market yet.
  10. 我们去年刚刚开始做起这生意,所以还没有在市场上站稳脚跟。


英文缩写词 TBY 的含义,不止“The Business Year”一个。




  1. TCBY Enterprises, Inc. 缩写成 “TBY”. 中文意思是:TCBY企业有限公司


  1. Tsabong, Botswana 缩写成 “TBY”. 中文意思是:博茨瓦纳沙邦


  1. The Best Years 缩写成 “TBY”. 中文意思是:最好的年份
  2. Temple Bat Yahm 缩写成 “TBY”. 中文意思是:圣殿蝙蝠亚姆
  3. To Be Young 缩写成 “TBY”. 中文意思是:年轻
  4. Temple Bat Yam 缩写成 “TBY”. 中文意思是:寺蝠山药

