“Government Pension Investment Fund”经常缩写成GPIF,以便快捷书写、使用。
Government Pension Investment Fund具体释义
- 英文缩写:GPIF
- 英语全称: Government Pension Investment Fund
- 英语发音:
- 美式英语发音:
- 英式英语发音:
- 中文意思:政府养老金投资基金
- 中文拼音:zhèng fǔ yǎng lǎo jīn tóu zī jī jīn
- 常用领域:商业
- 相关:投资
- As part of an eagerly-awaited growth strategy the Government Pension Investment Fund(GPIF) and other institutional investors will be urged to lift automatic caps on equity holdings while exercising voting rights more frequently, according to a senior government official.
- 一位政府高官表示,作为各方殷切期待的增长战略的一部分,将敦促政府养老投资基金(GovernmentPensionInvestmentFund)和其他机构投资者提高股票持有上限,同时更频繁地行使投票权。
- In March, an Australian pension fund manager, local government super, used the HSBC and CarbonTracker arguments to rationalise A shares investment option that excludes coal mining completely : this in an economy reliant on it.
- 3月份,澳大利亚养老基金管理公司localgovernmentsuper采纳汇丰和碳追踪计划的观点,在一项股权投资方案中完全摒弃了煤矿:在该国经济依赖煤炭资源的情况下。
英文缩写词 GPIF 的含义,不止“Government Pension Investment Fund”一个。
- Great Plains Improvement Foundation 缩写成 “GPIF”. 中文意思是:大平原改良基金会