
“Liquid Gas Injection”经常缩写成LGI,以便快捷书写、使用。



Liquid Gas Injection : 液气喷射

Liquid Gas Injection具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:LGI
  2. 英语全称: Liquid Gas Injection
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:液气喷射
  7. 中文拼音:yè qì pēn shè
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. The gas holdup and liquid circulating rate for a given gas injection rate can be predicted with the correlation equations and the resistance equation, providing the basis for the scaling up of this reactor.
  2. 计算发现模型关联式与阻力方程联立求解,可以很好地预测不同结构的外环流反应器中的气含率和循环液速,从而为该反应器的工程放大提供了依据。
  3. The influence of different liquid flow, gas flow, well backpressure and foam injection temperature on temperature is analyzed. Finally, the effect of wellbore heat transfer to annulus pressure is researched.
  4. 分析不同数值的注液流量、注气流量、井口回压和泡沫注入温度对井筒温度的影响,最后分析井筒传热对环空压力等参数的影响。
  5. With numerical methods used, the flow of liquid metal in the converter caused by the bottom gas injection has been simulated with computers.
  6. 本文采用数值方法,用计算机模拟了转炉内金属液在底吹气体作用下的流动状况。
  7. In the process of countercurrent gas-liquid tow-phase flow, flooding is the phenomenon in which part of the liquid is entrained by gas and carried to above the injection point.
  8. 液泛是指气液两相逆流过程中,部分液体受气体作用被携带至液体进口以上的现象。
  9. It is the remarked character of jet gas liquid reactors that gas and liquid are input with the style of injection.
  10. 气体和液体以喷射形式进料,是喷射式气液反应器的显著特征;


英文缩写词 LGI 的含义,不止“Liquid Gas Injection”一个。




  1. Low Glycemic Index 缩写成 “LGI”. 中文意思是:低升糖指数


  1. Liberty Global Inc 缩写成 “LGI”. 中文意思是:自由全球公司


  1. Large Group Instruction 缩写成 “LGI”. 中文意思是:大团体指导


  1. Local Government Initiative 缩写成 “LGI”. 中文意思是:地方政府倡议


  1. Little Gilded Island 缩写成 “LGI”. 中文意思是:小镀金岛
  2. Leeds General Infirmary 缩写成 “LGI”. 中文意思是:利兹综合医院

