
“Local Government Initiative”经常缩写成LGI,以便快捷书写、使用。



Local Government Initiative : 地方政府倡议

Local Government Initiative具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:LGI
  2. 英语全称: Local Government Initiative
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:地方政府倡议
  7. 中文拼音:dì fāng zhèng fǔ chàng yì
  8. 常用领域:机构
  9. 相关:


  1. Building service government the urgent need to mobilize the government, especially local government initiative.
  2. 建设服务型政府迫切需要调动政府,尤其是地方政府的积极性。
  3. The academic circle often explain the regional differences in village management from the differences in local government ' initiative and regional economic growth level.
  4. 学界与政策部门往往从地方政府积极性的差异,及区域经济发展水平的差异,来解释乡村治理的区域差异。
  5. In reality, the high correlation between economic growth and benefit of the local government has greatly stimulated the initiative and enthusiasm of the government in developing economy, and has become a lasting motivation for local economic development.
  6. 现实中,经济发展与地方政府利益的高度相关性,极大地调动了地方政府发展经济的主动性和积极性,形成了其主导地区经济发展的持久动力。
  7. In this process, the local government to act asa leading military role in the reform initiative and political reliability.
  8. 在此过程中,地方政府充当了改革主动性和政治可靠性的先行军角色。
  9. The reform of local governments is important to ensure the effective implementation of central government decisions and mobilize the initiative of various localities.
  10. (三)地方政府改革对于保证中央政令畅通、发挥地方积极性十分重要。


英文缩写词 LGI 的含义,不止“Local Government Initiative”一个。




  1. Low Glycemic Index 缩写成 “LGI”. 中文意思是:低升糖指数


  1. Liberty Global Inc 缩写成 “LGI”. 中文意思是:自由全球公司


  1. Large Group Instruction 缩写成 “LGI”. 中文意思是:大团体指导


  1. Little Gilded Island 缩写成 “LGI”. 中文意思是:小镀金岛
  2. Liquid Gas Injection 缩写成 “LGI”. 中文意思是:液气喷射
  3. Leeds General Infirmary 缩写成 “LGI”. 中文意思是:利兹综合医院

