
“Root Entry Zone”经常缩写成REZ,以便快捷书写、使用。



Root Entry Zone : 根进入区

Root Entry Zone具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:REZ
  2. 英语全称: Root Entry Zone
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:根进入区
  7. 中文拼音:gēn jìn rù qū
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. Conclusion : The main cause of TN is the vascular compression of the root entry zone of nerve sensory root trigeminal.
  2. 结论:MVD手术的有效性证明了三叉神经感觉根入髓区血管压迫是TN的主要病因。
  3. Conclusion The etiology of trigeminal neuralgia is that the unusual vascular oppress the root entry zone, and arachnoid membrane circling the nerve is thickened and sticked. To untie the arachnoid membrane and decompress the offending vascular is the effective methods in treating trigeminal neuralgia.
  4. 结论异常血管压迫三叉神经入根区,神经根周围蛛网膜增厚粘连是三叉神经痛的病因,行该区粘连的蛛网膜分离后,微血管减压是治疗三叉神经痛的有效方法。
  5. Vascular compression to root entry zone of sensory root is the main cause of trigeminal neuralgia
  6. 感觉根入髓区血管压迫是三叉神经痛的主要病因
  7. Results All of 83 patients with MVD, completed decompression of offending vessels at the root entry zone of the facial never were observed, like the surgical findings, by using the postoperative MRTA.
  8. 结果83例患者术后MRTA均反映出MVD手术中的改变,见到责任血管的移位,面神经减压充分。
  9. Vascular compression was noticed in the root entry zone in 19 cases ( arterial in 16, venous in 3 ).
  10. 术中发现三叉神经出脑干处有血管压迫者19例(动脉血管压迫16例,静脉血管压迫3例)。


英文缩写词 REZ 的含义,不止“Root Entry Zone”一个。




  1. Redzone Resources, LTD. 缩写成 “REZ”. 中文意思是:红区资源有限公司
  2. Resources & Energy Group Limited 缩写成 “REZ”. 中文意思是:资源能源集团有限公司


  1. Resolution 缩写成 “REZ”. 中文意思是:分辨率


  1. Root Exit Zone 缩写成 “REZ”. 中文意思是:根出口区


  1. Resource file 缩写成 “REZ”. 中文意思是:资源文件

