
“Director of Sales and Marketing”经常缩写成DOSM,以便快捷书写、使用。



Director of Sales and Marketing : 市场销售总监

Director of Sales and Marketing具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:DOSM
  2. 英语全称: Director of Sales and Marketing
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:市场销售总监
  7. 中文拼音:shì chǎng xiāo shòu zǒng jiān
  8. 常用领域:商业
  9. 相关:市场营销


  1. Promoted from Sales Representative within one year of joining company to Director of Sales and Marketing(DOSM).
  2. 自加入公司一年内从销售代表提升为营销部主任。
  3. Peter Sun, the assistant General Manager and Director of Sales and Marketing(DOSM) of Furama Hotel Dalian.
  4. 《大酒店》有幸采访到该酒店总经理助理兼市场销售部总监孙元坝先生。
  5. Lucy Li has been appointed as the Director of Sales and Marketing(DOSM) at Sheraton Xian North City Hotel.
  6. 近日,李敏被西安赛瑞喜来登大酒店任命为市场销售总监(DOSM)。
  7. What's more, Robin Edwards ( General Manager ) and Philip Wei ( Director of Sales and Marketing(DOSM) ) have become great friends of mine, and we've been in contact since.
  8. 我还与酒店的总经理爱德华先生,市场销售总监(DOSM)魏黎成了好朋友,一直保持着联系。
  9. The General Manager, and Director of Sales and Marketing(DOSM) will periodically review files to monitor ongoing sales activity and ensure that all files are worked regularly.
  10. 总经理、销售总监将阶段性地复查文件加以监督现有的销售活动,并确保所有的档案有序地进行。


英文缩写词 DOSM 的含义,不止“Director of Sales and Marketing”一个。




  1. Department of Sponsorship and Marketing 缩写成 “DOSM”. 中文意思是:赞助和营销部


  1. Department of Statistics Malaysia 缩写成 “DOSM”. 中文意思是:马来西亚统计部


  1. Designated Offshore Securities Market 缩写成 “DOSM”. 中文意思是:指定离岸证券市场
  2. Designated Offshore Securities Markets 缩写成 “DOSM”. 中文意思是:指定离岸证券市场

