“Key Business Unit”经常缩写成KBU,以便快捷书写、使用。
Key Business Unit具体释义
- 英文缩写:KBU
- 英语全称: Key Business Unit
- 英语发音:
- 美式英语发音:
- 英式英语发音:
- 中文意思:关键业务部门
- 中文拼音:guān jiàn yè wù bù mén
- 常用领域:商业
- 相关:
- It was born through integration between the former Shanghai Bell and Alcatel's key business unit in China.
- 它是由原上海贝尔转股改制后,与阿尔卡特在华主要业务合并而成。
- In the background of broad international cooperation of Chinese commercial bank, it is the key consideration for basic business bank unit to do how to promote bank business by financial enterprise culture and to achieve sustainable goal.
- 在我国商业银行加快与国际接轨的今天,如何用先进的金融企业文化来助推经营工作快速发展,并实现可持续发展目标,是基层商业银行目前必须考虑的问题。
- From analysis the increasing value behavior and the decreasing value behavior of a behavior business unit, the manager should looking for the key controlling point of the behavior business unit in order to achieve the maximum of the value.
- 通过清楚地分析行为业务单位的行为增值和行为减值,寻找行为业务单位的关键控制点,实现增值和减值匹配后的价值增值净值的最大化。
- It displays key details about the usage of a business service such as its volume, cost per unit, cost modifier, and the total cost in a particular period.
- 它显示关于业务服务使用情况的关键信息,比如使用量、单位成本、成本修饰符和某一时间段内的总成本。
- A global " it competitiveness index " compiled by the Economist Intelligence Unit for the business software alliance could help businesses decide where to locate projects or departments by scoring countries on these key areas.
- 经济学人智库(economistintelligenceunit)为商业软件联盟(businesssoftwarealliance)编制的全球“it竞争力指数”,可以针对这些关键领域给各个国家打分,从而帮助企业决定项目或部门的选址。
英文缩写词 KBU 的含义,不止“Key Business Unit”一个。
- Kagou Blog Ubuntu 缩写成 “KBU”. 中文意思是:卡沟博客Ubuntu
- Kasem Bundit University 缩写成 “KBU”. 中文意思是:卡西姆邦迪特大学
- Kolej Bandar Utama 缩写成 “KBU”. 中文意思是:万达学院
- Köln Bonn und Umgebung 缩写成 “KBU”. 中文意思是:科隆波恩及周边地区
- Kidney Bladder and Urinary 缩写成 “KBU”. 中文意思是:膀胱和尿
- KeyBoard Unit 缩写成 “KBU”. 中文意思是:键盘单元