“Japan Tobacco International”经常缩写成JTI,以便快捷书写、使用。
Japan Tobacco International具体释义
- 英文缩写:JTI
- 英语全称: Japan Tobacco International
- 英语发音:
- 美式英语发音:
- 英式英语发音:
- 中文意思:日本烟草国际
- 中文拼音:rì běn yān cǎo guó jì
- 常用领域:商业
- 相关:
- British American Tobacco ( along with three co-plaintiffs ), the Imperial Tobacco Group and Japan Tobacco International(JTI) are each mounting a legal challenge to the ban.
- 英美烟草公司(与三个联合原告一道)、帝国烟草公司和日本烟草国际(JTI)公司各自对这个禁令提起了诉讼。
- Japan Tobacco international ( JTI ), which supplies the Camel and Winston brands in Bulgaria, said the amendment would hurt cigarette companies by making the market unpredictable.
- 在保加利亚供应骆驼和云丝顿品牌的日本烟草国际(JTI)公司说,通过制造市场的不可预测性,修订的法律将会伤害卷烟公司。
- Foreign cigarette makers, such as British American Tobacco and Japan Tobacco International(JTI), also have stakes in the industry, while other firms are working on their own vaporous offerings.
- 还有一些公司也在竭尽全力生产自己的电子香烟,同时,英美烟草、日本烟草国际(JTI)等国外香烟制造商也加入到这一行业的竞争中。
- Another foreign brand that made its way through the official route is Winston, which is from the standard category, owned by Japan Tobacco International(JTI).
- 另一个通过官方渠道进入的外国品牌云丝顿,从标准的范畴上讲隶属于日本烟草国际(JTI)公司。
- So far this year, both Japan Tobacco and Philip Morris International have seen sales declines accelerate in previously reliable markets such as eastern Europe.
- 今年迄今以来,日本烟草(JapanTobacco)和菲利普莫里斯国际公司(PhilipMorrisInternational)在东欧等之前可靠市场的销售全都加速下滑。
英文缩写词 JTI 的含义,不止“Japan Tobacco International”一个。
- Japanese Tobbaco International 缩写成 “JTI”. 中文意思是:日本托巴科国际
- Joint Technical Instruction 缩写成 “JTI”. 中文意思是:联合技术说明