
“Transmission Network Management System”经常缩写成TNMS,以便快捷书写、使用。



Transmission Network Management System : 传输网络管理系统

Transmission Network Management System具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:TNMS
  2. 英语全称: Transmission Network Management System
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:传输网络管理系统
  7. 中文拼音:chuán shū wǎng luò guǎn lǐ xì tǒng
  8. 常用领域:商业
  9. 相关:管理


  1. Component-based development of distributed transmission network management system that can shield programming languages, operating systems and heterogeneous network environment, making it capable of achieving system management, network management and business management areas such as the capacity of a comprehensive solution.
  2. 基于组件开发的分布式传输网管系统,可以屏蔽编程语言、操作系统和网络环境的异质性,从而具备了实现系统管理、网络管理和业务管理等领域的综合解决方案的能力。
  3. In this thesis, on the basis of analyzing Sichuan Unicom transmission network management operation actuality and current problems, according to the rules which accord with TMN and Sichuan Unicom general design requirement, the transmission network management system of Sichuan Unicom is designed and realized.
  4. 本文在分析四川联通传输网管业务现况及现存问题的基础上,根据TMN规范和四川联通总体设计要求,对四川联通的传输网管系统进行设计和实现。
  5. 734 is presented in the paper. The model comes to the requirements of alarm processing in transmission network management system.
  6. 734的建议以及传输网综合网管系统中告警功能需求,提出了一种告警流程模型,并进行了具体方案设计。
  7. This article introduces the structure of the nation's toll transmission network management system, and brings some issues about the development of the toll transmission network management system from the characteristics of this system and the technology used in this system.
  8. 本文介绍了全国长途干线PDH传输网网管系统组成结构,并根据传输网网管的特点,从技术角度对今后长途传输网网管系统的改进和发展提出了几点意见及建议。
  9. Some Issues About the Development of the Toll Transmission Network Management System(TNMS)
  10. 关于长途传输网网管系统的改进和发展的几点建议


英文缩写词 TNMS 的含义,不止“Transmission Network Management System”一个。




  1. The New Media Studio 缩写成 “TNMS”. 中文意思是:新媒体工作室


  1. Tamil Nadu Multi Stakeholder 缩写成 “TNMS”. 中文意思是:泰米尔纳德邦多利益相关者
  2. Targeted Newsletters Made Simple 缩写成 “TNMS”. 中文意思是:目标新闻简明扼要
  3. The National Midday Sun 缩写成 “TNMS”. 中文意思是:全国正午太阳
  4. Tumour Nodes Metastasis Serum 缩写成 “TNMS”. 中文意思是:肿瘤转移血清


  1. Telecommunications Network Management System 缩写成 “TNMS”. 中文意思是:电信网络管理系统

