
“Business and Process Management”经常缩写成BAPM,以便快捷书写、使用。



Business and Process Management : 业务和流程管理

Business and Process Management具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:BAPM
  2. 英语全称: Business and Process Management
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:业务和流程管理
  7. 中文拼音:yè wù hé liú chéng guǎn lǐ
  8. 常用领域:商业
  9. 相关:管理


  1. Included as a default ESB in WebSphere Process Server, which provides advanced business integration and process management.
  2. 在WebSphereProcessServer中作为缺省的ESB,提供了高级业务集成和流程管理。
  3. With the analysis of the development method in information system, combining with the thoughts of the business process and the process management, posing the process – oriented development method of information system, and then we analyse the concept model and the architecture of process-oriented information system.
  4. 对各种信息系统的开发方法进行了分析,并在此基础上结合业务流程和过程管理的思想,分析了面向过程的信息系统开发方法。给出了面向过程的信息系统的概念模型和体系结构。
  5. Enterprise modeling is used for describing enterprise's whole business frame, and business process management is used for managing the concrete process of enterprise's business.
  6. 企业建模是描述企业整体业务框架,而业务流程管理更多的是用来管理企业业务的具体流程,知识管理应用于企业建模的研究已经深入展开。
  7. Secondly, introduces the key control elements and practice exploration of sales business, inventory business sales respectively, and evaluates business process management system consulting these standards, hopes to provide reference for other enterprises to establish and perfect internal control business process.
  8. 其次,分别介绍了销售业务、存货业务的关键控制要素及实践探索,并参照这些标准对业务流程制度管理工作进行评价,希望对其他上市企业及中小企业建立和完善内部控制业务流程提供借鉴。
  9. Agile Manufacturing and Business Process Reengineering both emphasize the business process integration and optimization. Business process management and supervision are realized.
  10. 敏捷制造、业务过程重建都强调在信息集成的基础上实现过程集成与优化,采用工作流管理技术可以实现对业务过程的管理和监控。


英文缩写词 BAPM 的含义,不止“Business and Process Management”一个。




  1. British Association of Perinatal Medicine 缩写成 “BAPM”. 中文意思是:英国围产期医学协会


  1. Business Analytics and Project Management 缩写成 “BAPM”. 中文意思是:商业分析与项目管理
  2. Bidirectional Application Power Management 缩写成 “BAPM”. 中文意思是:双向应用电源管理
  3. Business Analysis and Project Management 缩写成 “BAPM”. 中文意思是:业务分析与项目管理


  1. Brief Assessment of Prospective Memory 缩写成 “BAPM”. 中文意思是:前瞻性记忆的简要评价
  2. Buenos Aires Pasteleria Maestra 缩写成 “BAPM”. 中文意思是:布宜诺斯艾利斯-巴斯德雷亚-梅斯特拉
  3. Bay Area Prototype Modelers 缩写成 “BAPM”. 中文意思是:湾区原型建模师

