
“Vehicle Management Information System”经常缩写成VMIS,以便快捷书写、使用。



Vehicle Management Information System : 车辆管理信息系统

Vehicle Management Information System具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:VMIS
  2. 英语全称: Vehicle Management Information System
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:车辆管理信息系统
  7. 中文拼音:chē liàng guǎn lǐ xìn xī xì tǒng
  8. 常用领域:商业
  9. 相关:管理


  1. The realization of hardware for post vehicle management information system based on bluetooth is discussed in this paper.
  2. 讨论了基于蓝牙技术的邮车调度系统的硬件实现。
  3. Study on the Integrity of Isomerism Database in Vehicle Management Information System(VMIS)
  4. 车辆管理信息系统(VMIS)异构数据库集成方法研究
  5. GPS control. According to the logistics management requirements of vehicle, and vehicle management present situation, as well as the development of information system, put forward the logistics enterprises based on WEB vehicle management information system.
  6. 根据物流中对车辆管理要求,及其车辆管理的现状,以及当前信息系统的发展,提出了这个基于WEB的物流企业车辆管理信息系统(VMIS)。
  7. In accordance to the present system and management condition of the military vehicle management information system, this paper describes the elements which make up the military vehicle MIS, and discusses its basic model and structure.
  8. 文章根据军用车辆管理系统现行体制及管理现状,描述了军用车辆管理信息系统(VMIS)的组成元素,初步探讨了军用车辆管理信息系统(VMIS)的基本模型及结构。
  9. Analysis and Exploration of Motor Vehicle Management Information System(VMIS) Data-Processing Logic Structure
  10. 车辆管理信息系统(VMIS)数据处理逻辑结构分析与探讨


英文缩写词 VMIS 的含义,不止“Vehicle Management Information System”一个。




  1. Volunteer Management Information System 缩写成 “VMIS”. 中文意思是:志愿者管理信息系统
  2. Volunteer Management 缩写成 “VMIS”. 中文意思是:志愿者管理


  1. Virtual Museum of Images and Sounds 缩写成 “VMIS”. 中文意思是:虚拟图像和声音博物馆

