
“Internet Business Network”经常缩写成IBN,以便快捷书写、使用。



Internet Business Network : 互联网商业网络

Internet Business Network具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:IBN
  2. 英语全称: Internet Business Network
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:互联网商业网络
  7. 中文拼音:hù lián wǎng shāng yè wǎng luò
  8. 常用领域:商业
  9. 相关:


  1. With the development of Internet, business network has a complete standard of the use of protocol and the production of equipment, and large-scale network is completely service for professional network operator.
  2. 随着互联网不断地发展,商用网络从协议的使用以及设备的制造都有一套完善的标准,并且大规模的网络部署主要为专业的网络运营商所服务。
  3. With the rapid development of internet business, the network construction efforts were intensified by many kinds of network operators. Nowadays, the network has been greatly improved not only in terms of capacity but also in the number of users.
  4. 随着互联网业务的大力发展,各运营商不断加大网络建设力度,现今网络不仅在容量方面得到了大幅度的提高,用户数量也一直保持高速增长。
  5. With the development of IPTV, videophone, PC Internet business, etc, network turns to multiple services model. For broadband users, making the use of service terminal can effectively meet the needs of users for the service of communication.
  6. 随着IPTV,可视电话,多PC上网等业务的发展,网络转向多业务承载模式,对于宽带用户来说,应用多业务终端实现多业务模式有效地满足用户对通信业务的需求。
  7. In the past twenty years, Internet has developed with fast speed, and a great variety of applications upon the Internet, like electronic business and network multimedia, emerge as the times require.
  8. 在过去的二十多年里,Internet得到迅猛的发展,大量的网络商务应用、多媒体应用应运而生。
  9. The network load balancing is becoming impending demand because of the Internet business booming and the specialization of the network application.
  10. Internet业务量的激增和网络应用特殊化都使得负载均衡成为迫切需求。


英文缩写词 IBN 的含义,不止“Internet Business Network”一个。




  1. Instituto Biblico Nazareno 缩写成 “IBN”. 中文意思是:拿撒勒圣经学院


  1. Intelligence Bureau News 缩写成 “IBN”. 中文意思是:情报局新闻


  1. Independent Button Network 缩写成 “IBN”. 中文意思是:独立按钮网络
  2. Islamic Broadcasting Network 缩写成 “IBN”. 中文意思是:伊斯兰广播网
  3. International Braiders Network 缩写成 “IBN”. 中文意思是:国际编织网
  4. Institut Belge de Normalisation 缩写成 “IBN”. 中文意思是:比利时标准化研究所


  1. Integrated Business Network 缩写成 “IBN”. 中文意思是:综合业务网络
  2. Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology 缩写成 “IBN”. 中文意思是:生物工程与纳米技术研究所

