
“Law Enforcement Management System”经常缩写成LEMS,以便快捷书写、使用。



Law Enforcement Management System : 执法管理制度

Law Enforcement Management System具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:LEMS
  2. 英语全称: Law Enforcement Management System
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:执法管理制度
  7. 中文拼音:zhí fǎ guǎn lǐ zhì dù
  8. 常用领域:商业
  9. 相关:管理


  1. More, as far-reaching city management has become the focal point of many a contradiction arising in this stage of social development, it requires further reform of the means of administrative law enforcement, and sound management system, regulations and policy.
  2. 而且城市管理由于其涉及范围广,已经成为当前社会发展过程中产生的诸多矛盾的聚焦点,因此需要进一步改革城市管理中的行政执法手段和方式,完善管理体系和政策法规。
  3. Comprehensive law enforcement practice of urban management system has been implemented for fourteen years. Caused by the conflicts and contradictions produced a wide range of social impact, It must be deeply explored and examined.
  4. 城市管理综合执法体制改革实践至今己进行了十四年,由此所引发的冲突与矛盾产生了广泛的社会影响,必须对其进行深刻地探讨与审视。
  5. The article searches the causes of law enforcement credibility decline respectively from the perspective of service, analyzes the influence on law enforcement credibility of the present management system, personnel system and the supervision mechanism from the angle of governance.
  6. 分别从服务的角度寻找执法公信力下降的内在原因,从治理的角度探析现今的管理体制、人事制度、监督机制对执法公信力的影响。
  7. Administrative and Law Enforcement Agencies to Put in Place ISO Quality Management System Discussion on Reform of Government Supervision Industry of Construction Quality
  8. 行政执法机关构建ISO9000质量管理体系之探讨工程质量监督委托执法模式改革的探究
  9. It has been 13 years for Guangzhou to be a pilot of urban administrative and law enforcement since 1997.Since always, Guangzhou has put great emphasis on the city management system exploration.
  10. 广州市自从1997年开始进行城市管理综合行政执法的试点,到现在已逾13年。


英文缩写词 LEMS 的含义,不止“Law Enforcement Management System”一个。




  1. Larchwood Emergency Medical Service 缩写成 “LEMS”. 中文意思是:拉奇伍德急救医疗服务
  2. Lambert Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome 缩写成 “LEMS”. 中文意思是:兰伯特伊顿肌无力综合征
  3. Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome 缩写成 “LEMS”. 中文意思是:郎伯综合征
  4. Laboratory Emissions Monitoring System 缩写成 “LEMS”. 中文意思是:实验室排放监测系统


  1. Labour Export Management System 缩写成 “LEMS”. 中文意思是:劳动出口管理制度


  1. Law Enforcement Message Switch 缩写成 “LEMS”. 中文意思是:执法信息交换机
  2. Low Energy Mass Spectrometry 缩写成 “LEMS”. 中文意思是:低能质谱法


  1. Lugoff Elgin Middle School 缩写成 “LEMS”. 中文意思是:卢格夫埃尔金中学
  2. Lake Elkhorn Middle School 缩写成 “LEMS”. 中文意思是:埃尔霍恩湖中学


  1. Lower Extremity Monitoring Suit 缩写成 “LEMS”. 中文意思是:下肢监护服

