
“Price to Book Value”经常缩写成PBV,以便快捷书写、使用。



Price to Book Value : 按账面价值计价

Price to Book Value具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:PBV
  2. 英语全称: Price to Book Value
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:按账面价值计价
  7. 中文拼音:àn zhàng miàn jià zhí jì jià
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. It has become almost conventional wisdom today that the 2000 peak of 11700 on the Dow was a record level of overvaluation, based on the twin measures of the 10-year rolling inflation-adjusted price-earnings ratio and the " Q " ratio of price to book value.
  2. 按照通胀调整后的10年滚动的市盈率和市净率(q比率)这两大标准衡量,2000年时道指的11700点,是创纪录的估值过高水平,这几乎已经成为当今的传统看法。
  3. The relative valuation methods are the Price to Earnings Ratio, Price to Book value Ratio and Price to Sales Ratio, price index is the value of the enterprise.
  4. 相对估值法是通过参考对比公司的市盈率、市净率、市售率等价格指标来得出企业的价值。
  5. The offer price was a 10 per cent discount to PCPD's book value for last year, or an 11.2 per cent discount to its adjusted 2007 net tangible asset value – a benchmark for property companies.
  6. 上述出价在盈科大衍去年的面值基础上有10%的折让,或是在其2007年有形资产调整后净值基础上有11.2%的折让&这个调整值是各地产公司的一项基准数据。
  7. Berkshire said in its announcement that, besides buying this block of stock, it was simultaneously raising its limits on the price it would pay for its own shares to 120 % of book value.
  8. 伯克希尔在公告中表示,除了回购这笔股票,公司还将股票回购的价格上限提高到票面价值的120%。


英文缩写词 PBV 的含义,不止“Price to Book Value”一个。




  1. Pressure Ball Valve 缩写成 “PBV”. 中文意思是:压力球阀
  2. Pepsi Bottling Ventures 缩写成 “PBV”. 中文意思是:百事瓶装企业


  1. Prevent Blindness Virginia 缩写成 “PBV”. 中文意思是:弗吉尼亚州预防失明
  2. Project-Based Vouchers 缩写成 “PBV”. 中文意思是:基于项目的凭证


  1. Personal Bonus Volume 缩写成 “PBV”. 中文意思是:个人奖金数额
  2. Project Based Voucher 缩写成 “PBV”. 中文意思是:基于项目的凭证
  3. Project Based Vouchers 缩写成 “PBV”. 中文意思是:基于项目的凭证
  4. Price By Volume 缩写成 “PBV”. 中文意思是:按体积计算的价格

