
“Price By Volume”经常缩写成PBV,以便快捷书写、使用。



Price By Volume : 按体积计算的价格

Price By Volume具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:PBV
  2. 英语全称: Price By Volume
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:按体积计算的价格
  7. 中文拼音:àn tǐ jī jì suàn de jià gé
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. The group of items are placed in the decreasing order of annual dollar volume ( price multiplied by projected volume ) or some other criteria.
  2. 将一组物料按年度金额(单价乘以计划量)或其它标准降序排列一种分类方法。
  3. The price fetched by a single volume in a sale like that is a trifle, and I can't even remember how much I gave for it. '
  4. 在这样一次拍卖中,区区一小本书的价钱是算不了什么的,这本书花了多少钱我自己也记不起来了。
  5. The conclusions are that the short-term volatility of stock price is mainly interpreted by unexpected part of volume, that is to say, the new information disclosed by expected trading volume is the root cause of price volatility;
  6. 结论显示:股价的短期波动主要由非预期交易量解释,即非预期交易量所揭示的新信息是产生价格波动的根源;
  7. The school of thought that the price of stock is determined not only by previous prices and volume data, but also with the help of firm specific financial and macro level data, led to the development of Fundamental analysis to explain the stock prices.
  8. 学校的理论认为,股票的价格决定不只取决于以往的价格和成交量的数据,而且还与公司的具体的财政和宏观层面数据有关,这导致用来解释股票价格的基本分析方法的发展。
  9. Meanwhile, the price of the stock market would fluctuated fiercely caused by the abnormal changes of the volume of stock index futures market.
  10. 第二、股指期货日交易量的异常变化会引起股票现货市场价格的剧烈波动。


英文缩写词 PBV 的含义,不止“Price By Volume”一个。




  1. Pressure Ball Valve 缩写成 “PBV”. 中文意思是:压力球阀
  2. Pepsi Bottling Ventures 缩写成 “PBV”. 中文意思是:百事瓶装企业


  1. Prevent Blindness Virginia 缩写成 “PBV”. 中文意思是:弗吉尼亚州预防失明
  2. Project-Based Vouchers 缩写成 “PBV”. 中文意思是:基于项目的凭证


  1. Personal Bonus Volume 缩写成 “PBV”. 中文意思是:个人奖金数额
  2. Project Based Voucher 缩写成 “PBV”. 中文意思是:基于项目的凭证
  3. Project Based Vouchers 缩写成 “PBV”. 中文意思是:基于项目的凭证
  4. Price to Book Value 缩写成 “PBV”. 中文意思是:按账面价值计价

