Pat. Pndg.:专利未决

“Patent Pending”经常缩写成Pat. Pndg.,以便快捷书写、使用。



Patent Pending : 专利未决

Patent Pending具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:Pat. Pndg.
  2. 英语全称: Patent Pending
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:专利未决
  7. 中文拼音:zhuān lì wèi jué
  8. 常用领域:商业
  9. 相关:

英文缩写词Pat. Pndg.的例句

  1. DriveSentry is a patent pending software that allows you to control what applications can write to your files.
  2. 专利未决(Pat. Pndg.)软件,可让您控制哪些应用,可以写你的档案。
  3. This argument has been extended further and applied to meaningful plain text in order to produce a practical and truly un-breakable encryption system : Permanent Privacy, or PP ( Patent Pending(Pat. Pndg.) ).
  4. 为了产生一个实际和真的非易碎的加密系统,这场辩论已经被更进一步延长并且适用于有意义的纯文本∶永久的隐私或者介词片语(待决的专利)。
  5. Although, not in itself, enough to monopolise an invention a provisional application will provide an applicant with an all important priority date and patent pending number.
  6. 尽管不在于其本身,一项临时性申请已足以垄断一项发明,它仍将向申请人提供所有重要的优先权日期和专利受理号。
  7. Our patent pending technology uses this principle along with sophisticated filters and heuristics to determine when the user has taken a bite of food or drink of liquid.
  8. 我们的专利申请技术是利用这一原则随着精密过滤器和启发式方法判断当用户已经采取了一口食物或饮料的液体。
  9. Importantly, a provisional application is given a priority date and a patent pending number and is valid for one year.
  10. 重要的是,给予临时申请的优先权日期和专利受理号在一年内有效。


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