
“Youth Development Education”经常缩写成YDE,以便快捷书写、使用。



Youth Development Education : 青年发展教育

Youth Development Education具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:YDE
  2. 英语全称: Youth Development Education
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:青年发展教育
  7. 中文拼音:qīng nián fā zhǎn jiào yù
  8. 常用领域:社会
  9. 相关:青年


  1. The Situation of Modern Youth Ideological Development and Path Choice of Ideological Education from the Perspective of Nurturing the Post-1980s Generation
  2. 论当代青年思想发展的现状与教育的路径选择&以认识和培养80后青年为视角
  3. Promoting youth employment depends greatly on human resource development of youth and on education, particularly, vocational education and training.
  4. 促进青年就业的根本在于青年人力资源的开发,在于教育,特别是职业教育和培训。
  5. Yun Daiying is also an outstanding youth educator, his education to reform thought, development of modernly education, and the current Chinese education reform have the important leading meaning.
  6. 恽代英也是一位杰出的青年教育家,他的教育改造思想,对现代教育事业的发展,以及当前中国教育改革具有重大指导意义。
  7. The team structure of sports dance teachers in colleges in Jiangsu has a youth trend, which is helpful to the continuing development of sports dance teaching and education.
  8. 研究结果表明:1.江苏省高校体育舞蹈教师队伍结构呈现年轻化趋势。
  9. To strengthen the construction of youth teachers ' team and improve the vocational psychology of youth teachers in vocational college is in direct connection with the everlasting development of vocational higher education.
  10. 加强青年教师队伍建设,培养、提高高职院校青年教师职业心理素质,直接关系到高等职业教育的可持续发展。


英文缩写词 YDE 的含义,不止“Youth Development Education”一个。




  1. Paradise River, Newfoundland, Canada 缩写成 “YDE”. 中文意思是:加拿大纽芬兰天堂河


  1. Youth Dance England 缩写成 “YDE”. 中文意思是:英国青年舞
  2. Youth Development Enterprise 缩写成 “YDE”. 中文意思是:青年发展企业


  1. Young Designers Emporium 缩写成 “YDE”. 中文意思是:年轻设计师商场

